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Writer's pictureCatriona Hudson

Monday Musings - August 3rd 2020

Acts of selfless compassion and kindness has been forefront of my mind this week. The virtuous circle of giving. During these strange times, there’s no doubt that kindness towards each other has been a key ingredient. I have experienced this myself and learned the power of selfless giving – it is its own reward. This week however I heard a story that took this to a new level.

A very dear friend of mine whose compassion kindness and bravery has often took my breath away – this week received his kidney transplant. Out of the blue the call arrived telling him to get to hospital and he was operated on that day. How thrilled we all were at the news and how we have triumphed at photos of his healthy face and his daily “I feel so much better” updates. We are elated.

Somewhere, there is another family and group of friends who are suffering. Grieving the loss of their loved one. The ultimate act of kindness, compassion. They may never know who received the kidney but I truly hope they know the huge gift and unexplainable kindness their loved one displayed. Theirs surely has to be one of the greatest acts of selfless compassion.

Random acts of kindness are not reserved for organ donors – we can all do something no matter how small to brighten someone’s day, each and every day. Kindness brings its own reward, pass it forward, one kind act at a time and see what happens. I promise, it is life affirming

What random acts of kindness are you planning this week?

For those of you who love a plan, below are some simple ideas to get you going!

· MONDAY: Compliment one thing which you like to three people you meet during the day

· TUESDAY: Write a hand-written card to a person you see regularly to thank them for something they have done

· WEDNESDAY: check on a neighbour and see if they need help (even if it’s just a cuppa and a chat)

· THURSDAY: say a cheery ‘Hello” to everyone you meet today

· FRIDAY: Use people’s names when talking to the staff in the shops, café, supermarket and ask them about their day

· SATURDAY: Place an uplifting note in a library book or in a second-hand book or other item you are donating to a charity shop

· SUNDAY: Take flowers to a friend, or someone in your family

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